Site icon HELP International school



The whole school campus will be secured by a private security company that will provide Security Guards from Nepal. There will also be full CCTV coverage in all areas.
No unauthorized persons are allowed into the school without a pass. All individuals within the HELP International School (HIS) are required to wear identification tags. Vehicles entering the school compound for purposes of picking-up and dropping off students are required to have an authorized school car sticker with relevant registration number listed with the school. All visitors must report to the main reception to be signed in and security registered.

Parents who wish to visit their children during school will be required to inform the school of their intention for the visit. Such visits must be of significant importance. In general, we try to minimise the disruption to the teaching learning programme in the school. Upon arrival in the school, they must report first to the school office. Their children will be informed and they will then meet with the parent in the office.

Students in school are not allowed to leave the school without written consent from the school and parents are required to complete an early leave form to enable the student’s
release. No third parties are allowed to visit the students in school. If parents wish to allow another adult to pick-up their children, there must be a written authorization by the parents with at least 24 hours’ notice or a phone call to the Principal, for agreed authorised release. Parents, carers, chauffeurs and bus drivers are required to follow the directives of HIS faculty, staff and security personnel in all matters that relate to the safety and security of their children within the school premises.


  • Staff comprises HIS staff and Uniformed Security Personnel.
  • Perimeter wall 8 feet High.



  • Security is provided through the combination of an access control system, CCTV and patrol guards around the school 24 hours a day.
  • School building will be regularly reviewed and assessed against security checklist to ensure a high level of protection for every member of the school community.



  • Students are allowed access to the school during school hours and they will be given student passes should they leave their classroom during lesson time.
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